Aug 29, 2018Welcome to Living Wine

modified 2 years ago

Welcome to, a small place on the Web for living wines.

We’re a small bunch of wine lovers. Over the years, we’ve  realize how much we care for wine. Not just how much we drink, of course, but also how much we talk about it, and how much pleasure and mystery it gives us in return.

Soon, what was merely a  pleasure turned into a hobby,  and we started our Natural Wine Club  in NYC. Toby, Matt, Michael and I would gather, with friends and family every now and then to explore wine and friendship.

Then, what was a hobby turned into a little more.  Sebastiano and I decided to create this website and  also Living Wine Selections, a small non-industrial import and distribution activity to t bring some of the wines that we love to the US. Read more <here>.

A presto,
